kids tooth brush

How to choose toothpaste & toothbrush for kids?

Choosing proper toothbrush and toothpaste is a very important step if you want to maintain the oral health of your child. Selecting these items might feel like a task to do with so many items in the market. The confusion mostly occurs for speech rs due to the lack of knowledge regarding the particular topic. Maintenance of oral hygiene is …

kids at dentist

3 Reasons Why You Should Visit A Pediatric Dentist

Every child is fond of fizzy drinks and all sorts of candies and chocolates. Not only kids, but even adults love eating their favorite candies and drinking cola. But, when it comes to kids, they are not aware of the damage the excessive consumption of colas and candies can cause to their oral health. The American Dental Association has stated …

kids teeth

Why Should You Give Space To Your Kid’s Permanent Teeth?

Not all parents are aware of the importance a child’s baby teeth are for his or her dental health in the future. By design, our baby teeth serve as guides for the permanent teeth, to help them grow properly. For people whose baby teeth erupted early, their surrounding teeth shift into the adjacent space not occupied by any tooth. This, …

kids toothache

How to Handle Toothache in Children?

Toothache in children is a cause of distress for the child as well as the parent. When children suffer from a toothache, it is very different from an adult toothache and can be quite tricky to handle. In many cases, you may even feel frustrated as it can be difficult to spot the exact location of the pain. Seeing your …


5 Most Common Dental Problems in Children

Just as the needs of dental care change as children grow, so do the potential dental problems which may arise. Understanding common dental problems during childhood is a great way to help your child pursue the best possible oral health. Will your child have any of these five common dental problems? We handle these and other oral issues at Joyful …

kids teeth grinding

Teeth Grinding in Children: Here’s What You Should Know

Maybe you know that irritating grinding sound if your little one happens to be a teeth grinder. Teeth grinding is normal in adolescents, or what we call, bruxism. Three of 10 babies, usually in response to stress, jaw growth, malocclusion, loss of teeth, or other discomforts, such as allergies, grind or clench their teeth. Children usually get out of teeth …

kids toothache

Erupting Teeth in Kids and How To Deal With It

Although it is a natural part of dental development, your baby’s teething is not a picnic. This cycle in which each of their twenty primary teeth slowly erupts through the gums usually starts about their sixth to ninth month, and may not stop until around three years old. These frequent eruptions of teeth will cause your baby to bite, gnaw, drool or …

happy kids in dental office

How to Make a Dental Visit Enjoyable For Kids

Going to the dentist is a trip that most children fear. As a parent, it might be a challenging experience to say the least to take your child to the dentist, because most of the time it is followed by reluctance, restraint, and even shrill cries! Hence, following are the 5 tricks you can try on your child to make …